Pulsar Vaporizers & Bongs

Sure, a glassware manufacturer would say that, but there’s no denying the seismic shift in the cannabis industry. Recent trends indicate that both new and seasoned users are choosing the portable and far-less-aromatic option of vaping THC over the alternative. From joints to suppositories, it seems like we’ve dreamed up just about every possible way to enjoy cannabis. Stoners are known for being creative and inventive, and the gravity bong has stood the test of time as the poster child of homemade weed apparatuses. Although both bongs and vaporizers can be found almost everywhere, bongs are more popular.

The process of heating a substance to the point where it becomes an inhalable gas. The most common method used today is called “vaping”, which involves using a device that heats up and atomizes liquid substances into a mist or vapor. This can be done with any type of e-liquid, but some people prefer vaping liquids made specifically for this purpose. Convection uses precisely heated air to pass over and through the herb or concentrate. Whatever you’re vaporizing is not in actual contact with the heating element.

vaporizers bongs

Since its invention, bongs have become the most favored method of smoking due to its ease of use. One of the biggest reasons bong users use the device is that it helps to filter the smoke. It also cools the smoke, making inhalation a smooth experience. When you use an ordinary pipe, the smoke is harsh to inhale.

Before vaping, make sure you can easily remove your vape without it getting stuck in your bong joint. The reason for this is that when you vape, the bong will fill up with vapor. Even after you exhale a huge puff, some of the vapor will be trapped in the chamber. You can always clear it out at the end of your session after you remove your vaporizer. Other bongs, mostly old school dab rigs, might have the less common 14 or 18 mm male connection.

Vape tanks, or often referred to as atomizer tanks and clearomizers tanks, are attachments for your vape mod or pen. The vape take can be refilled or replaced and can be used with e-liquids, CBD, and other liquid concentrates. Vaporizers are as varied as the strains of our favorite herb, so here are some things to look out for when you’re shopping for a vaporizer. This will allow you to control the amount of cannabinoids you intake, and it allows you to pace the consumption not to overheat the cannabis concentrate or oil.

Mile High Glass Pipes is an online smoke shop, founded in Denver, Colorado. Always go slow and steady and never go overboard with it – especially if it’s your first time. Make use of the best bongs for a phenomenal vaping experience. Before you begin your vaping session, ensure that you can easily remove it from the bong joint.

The most common form of a bong consists of a mouthpiece, a chamber stem, and a bowl usually made from metal that allows you to heat the cannabis you will inhale. When smoking with dry herb vaporizers you will not need to purchase additional liquid cartridges. No, you can just simply load in your dry water pipes herb and you will be ready to go. Aside from vaping, I love reading and travelling and have spent a bunch of time over in Europe learning about the herb we all know and love. I’ll be keeping you up to date with the latest vape news and content, drop me a line if you have a story you want to share.

Although vapes are considered a “cleaner” method of smoking, that’s not always the case. Even your favorite vape pen or vaporizer will still release oil when you take a strong hit. You may even feel a greasy sensation in your mouth from the oil that gets out of the vape.

When you vape, the bong chamber gets filled with vapor, and you may need to clear it even after taking a huge puff. Make sure that the weed is ground and evenly broken before you add it to your pipe. This method will ensure that you can inhale all the goodness of the herb. A strong throat hit occurs when the smoke hits hard and irritates your throat when you gulp it down. Some may like the feeling, while others may find it rather unpleasant.