Try A Snap Win A Schwinn

Schwinn Discover offers 21 gears with entry-level SRAM components, basic V-brakes, and really strong and light alloy rims. It also has front and rear fenders that will keep water and dirt off of your body when it starts raining. Schwinn Discover is here to help you discover what the word “comfortable” really means.

As Schwinn’s first outsourced bicycles, Panasonic had been the only vendor to meet Schwinn’s production requirements. Later, Schwinn would sign a production supply agreement with Giant Bicycles of Taiwan. As time passed, Schwinn would import more and more Asian-made bicycles to carry the Schwinn brand, eventually becoming more a marketer than a maker of bikes. The company also joined with other United States bicycle manufacturers in a campaign to raise import tariffs across the board on all imported bicycles.


I can’t speak to Schwinn’s reputation across the Seven Seas, but the business was certainly making dough on its home continent. Even when the national bike boom reached its inevitable end around the turn of the century , Ignaz Schwinn was able to navigate the obstacle course deftly, pushing forward while most of his competitors sunk into obscurity. Into the smog of the combustion engine era, Arnold, Schwinn & Co. pedaled on.

In the mid-1980s, was slow catching up with strong demand for mountain bikes. By 1983, Schwinn had ceased manufacturing in Chicago and laid off 1,800 employees. It moved some production to plants in Greenville, Miss., and Waterford, Wis., but, for the most part, bought bikes built to its specification by Giant Manufacturing Co. of Taiwan.

Because of the component shortage, Schwinn anticipated a strong 1991 spring selling season due to pent-up demand and bought an unusually large amount of bikes in the fall and winter of 1990. But in 1991, the Persian Gulf war and then recession stifled consumer demand. Including costs to shut the Mississippi plant, Schwinn lost $23.3 million on sales of $176 million in 1991. “Schwinn gave up a lot of technology for nothing and created competitors abroad that are now out to eat the company,” said one source close to Schwinn, reciting a lament widespread in U.S. industry.

The price of an old Schwinn bicycle depends on how rare the model is and how well preserved it is. For example, a beat-up Schwinn bike that requires extensive restoration can only be worth $50. But a rare model in good condition, such as the 1920 Schwinn Excelsior, can retail for as much as $1,000.

I have been following/engaging in MTB racing for most of my life, and the reduction of punctures at the top level of the sport today is impressive. Nearly a third of the field used to come down the WCDH track with at least a rear flat, and now there will often be zero flats — on a more technical and rocky trail at higher speed. The same can be said for XC and EWS, where the vast majority of riders have forgotten about flat tires. While there are other factors that contribute to fewer flats , I’ll take that as evidence that tubeless systems are effective for preventing and repairing punctures.

The first unmistakable sign that the troubles might be spinning out of control came in the spring, when word leaked of an unsuccessful attempt to sell a controlling stake to outside investors. Paramount earns huffy mountain bike the kind of respect from bicycle enthusiasts that auto companies get from supporting racing cars, but bankers see it as an indulgence that produces little or no profit, industry experts say. The bankruptcy has also put a harsher light on the company’s continuing support for its prestigious line of Paramount bicycles, which are largely made by hand in Waterford, Wis., and cost up to $5,000. China Bicycle’s entry in the American market came with its purchase of the Diamond Back name and distribution network in 1990, a move Schwinn was powerless to stop even though it owned 33 percent of the Chinese company.