FACT SHEET: The Biden-Harris Lead Pipe and Paint Action Plan

The older your pipes, the more likely they are to contain lead, a potent neurotoxin, which can leach into your tap water. Power generation in an increasingly electricity-fueled future will likely rely on distributed energy resources that produce small amounts of clean energy for local consumption. Themed bongs are a type of bong that is designed to look like something else. Themed bongs are unique and intricately designed to look like animals, food, characters, or everyday household items. This gas mask-shaped water pipe straps directly to your face, much like a real gas mask, and lets you take hits from its 8-inch pipe with great ease. With a built-in ice catcher, the Mini Silicone Beaker Bong makes up for its small size by granting you the smoothest hits possible in silicone bongs.

“If a product does not meet the requirements of a standard, it will not pass,” said Dave Purkiss, the organization’s general manager of water systems. Plastic groups have criticized the studies, saying they focus on older generations of plastic piping and conflate different types of plastics. They also stress that their pipes are independently tested by the third-party organization. Right, the remains of a lead water pipe removed from the ground in Lansing, Mich.

The Environmental Protection Agency , Centers for Disease Control and Prevention , and countless experts agree that there is no known safe level of lead in a child’s blood. One of the measures that utilities are taking to improve operations and maintenance and shore up resilience and affordability is the development of asset management programs, which shifts decision-making from reactive to proactive. Some states have asset management requirements for drinking water pipes water systems, but there is no federal requirement. Other states give priority for DWSRF loans to water projects that have an asset management plan or provide funding for asset management plan development, training, and technical assistance. Overall, nearly a third of drinking water utilities have a robust asset management plan in place, which is an increase from 20% in 2016, while another 55% of utilities are in the process of implementation.

Plastic materials such as PVC and high-density polyethylene are typically less expensive to purchase up front than more traditional materials such as copper, ductile iron and steel. So when measured in miles of distribution pipe, plastic is forecast to make up nearly 80 percent of the nation’s water pipe inventory by 2030, according to Bluefield. All Americans deserve to drink clean water, breathe clean air, and live in healthy homes. However, lead in drinking , faucets, paint, and walls threatens the health and well-being of American families and children across the country.

water pipes

The first is the release of chemicals into water from the pipe material, a process called leaching, which has been documented in several studies. The second route, called permeation, involves pollutants such as gasoline that can seep from groundwater or soils through the walls of plastic pipes, which has been noted in reports by the Environmental Protection Agency and the Water Research Foundation . And finally, plastic pipes exposed to the high heat of wildfires are at risk for melting and other thermal damage.