Advanced Génifique Youth Activating Face Serum

This silky serum is bio-engineered from plant stem cells and loaded with a concentrated combination of five peptides. The deeply hydrating formula helps soften and smooth skin and is formulated to minimize the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Despite all the hype, we wouldn’t advise it. First, the serum’s latest formula is only slightly better than the original, and the latest formula still contains a potentially irritating amount of alcohol, which is pro-aging . Find my unfiltered thoughts on this hero serum below, including whether or not it’s earned a long-term place in my skincare routine. As for skincare, it makes the skin silky smooth, creates a subtle gloss and forms a protective barrier .


At first, it looks like a very promising product (since it comes from a well-known brand). Use this cold, by keeping the bottle in fridge for extra boost. I didn’t do that because, it is still very cold in Chicago and I don’t enjoy the cold, wet feeling on my face in cooler weather.

It works on all three concerns as it’s a repairing serum, best to be used at night as your skin repairs itself at night when you sleep. Visionnaire is very good in erasing expression lines from the forehead. But If your main concern is pigmentation you may want to try Dream Tone or Even Better Serum from Clinique. Visionnair serum has a bit reacher textures so you may need less of your moisturiser. Listen to your skin and if you feel like it needs more hydration than apply more generous amount of your cream. Absolutely you should use a moisturiser day and night.

I may have been living under a rock, but somehow I missed the memo on Lancôme’s Advanced Génifique Youth Activating Serum. Well, at no point did I look into the mirror and think wow, I’m glowing! But at no point did I look into Lancome makeup the mirror and see what I’d expect from a very sweaty past few weeks in which I’ve been wearing a face mask and getting very minimal sleep. I also haven’t noticed any dryness, even though I haven’t been using any moisturizer.

It has several sister brands that sell beauty products too. A solid product that is here to stay in my skincare routine. I’m 29 and headin to 30 at the end of the year. I don’t currently have a skin care routine and really want to start.