Intex Pool Metal Frame

Modifying your return jet with a circulation enhancer creates a 360° mini-maelstrom of rushing water. The Three Ts got you started down the path to Intex Pool mastery. But to get better performance from your pool and save money while you do it, make the Three Cs part of your pool care routine. Clean and completely dry all pool accessories before storage.

Customers should contact their local building code enforcement office for further details. Keep the pool and pool area clean and clear to avoid slips and falls and objects that may cause injury. Do not cover the pool while you or anyone else is in the pool. Pool and pool accessories are to be assembled and disassembled by adults only. All instructions carefully before installing and using this product. This rattan-print pool is equipped with a ring around the top which inflates to keep the pool’s structure.

Use a pool shock with a decent amount of available chlorine, and run your filtration system after you shock your pool. The water might appear cloudy after you shock, but will clear as it’s filtered. How often you shock depends on how often you use your pool, and the climate you’re living in. We recommend intex purespa shocking Intex pools every week, especially if you’re having a heat wave or heavy rains. Heat and excess water can knock your chlorine levels to sub-par levels pretty quickly. To test the pool’s resilience, we let a line of rambunctious kids hop in and out and back in again, day after day.

Other accessories included in the package are a pool ladder, pool cover and ground cloth. It comes with a drain plug that will accept your garden hose to drain the water out if needed. As an added safety measure, it features a ground fault circuit interrupter. This component shuts the pump off in case any current is exposed to water to prevent a mishap or accident.

intex frame pool

Verify that there are no leaks, then attach the hose to the bottom of the new valve and you are good to go. Now, take a deep breath because this is when things start getting a little hectic. But remember that losing some water isn’t the end of the world and it’s not intex purespa like you need to rush. Work quickly, but carefully and it’s ok if water spills out as you work. Cutting the hole is a bit nerve wracking, but in the end it’s really not that bad. If you are doing it with the pool full it helps to have a helper inside the pool.

But at least it’s easy as long as you have the right tools. You’ve got everything you need to choose, maintain, and enjoy your Intex pool this season—and in the years ahead. Attach it intex purespa to your pool’s filter line, and water will travel through its serpentine tubes, warming as the sun blasts the pitch-black mat. Make sure you have a spare on hand for next season.

An “Ultra Frame” pool style is also available and boasts a stronger liner and an easier assembly method . Replace the cartridge filter at least once a year, or when you open and close it if you store your pool during the off season. Also replace it when it’s worn, torn, or as recommended by the manufacturer to make sure your water is as clean as it can be. If any granules settle to the bottom of the pool use brush to disperse them. Add the right dosage of this product during evening hours while the filter pump is running.

This is a high-dose chlorine treatment that sort of resets your chemicals and gets them balanced again. Replace the filter at least once a year if you have a cartridge system. And clean it off every couple of months with a hose. Keep a weekly maintenance schedule and try not to miss it. This should include balancing the water chemistry, removing debris, and vacuuming out the bottom.

For the sake of simplicity, we’ll stick with chlorine. While some people prefer to go a gentler route with bromine, chlorine is still the most effective option on the market. If your pH level is out of range, you’ll need to balance it with either an increaser or a decreaser .