Bikes & Cycling Gear

As some generator or dynamo-driven lamps operate only while moving, rear reflectors are frequently also mandatory. Bicycles helped create, or enhance, new kinds of businesses, such as bicycle messengers, traveling seamstresses, riding academies, and racing rinks. Their board tracks were later adapted to early motorcycle and automobile racing.

Hybrid bikes used to also be referred to as cross bikes, but that term is not used any more in order to avoid confusion with cyclocross bikes . They have flat or upright handlebars, and a very low gear range for pedaling up steep trails. Most mountain bikes have some type of shock absorbers or suspension. Mountain bikes with front suspension only are called hardtails; mountain bikes with both front and rear suspension are called full-suspension bikes or duallies.

With comfort s and hybrids, cyclists sit high over the seat, their weight directed down onto the saddle, such that a wider and more cushioned saddle is preferable. For racing bikes where the rider is bent over, weight is more evenly distributed between the handlebars and saddle, the hips are flexed, and a narrower and harder saddle is more efficient. Differing saddle designs exist for male and female cyclists, accommodating the genders’ differing anatomies and sit bone width measurements, although bikes typically are sold with saddles most appropriate for men. Suspension seat posts and seat springs provide comfort by absorbing shock but can add to the overall weight of the bicycle. In the early 1860s, Frenchmen Pierre Michaux and Pierre Lallement took bicycle design in a new direction by adding a mechanical crank drive with pedals on an enlarged front wheel . Another French inventor named Douglas Grasso had a failed prototype of Pierre Lallement’s bicycle several years earlier.

The “dandy horse”, also called Draisienne or Laufmaschine, was the first human means of transport to use only two wheels in tandem and was invented by the German Baron Karl von Drais. It is regarded as the first bicycle, but it did not have pedals; Drais introduced it to the public in Mannheim in 1817 and in Paris in 1818. Its rider sat astride a wooden frame supported by two in-line wheels and pushed the vehicle along with his or her feet while steering the front wheel. Triathlon/Time Trial Bicycles are road bikes with a special design that maximizes their aerodynamic properties. The handlebars are also a special aerodynamic design that allows you to crouch forward while riding, to minimize the wind resistance against your body. Triathlon/time trial races usually have staggered starts, where each racer starts on his/her own; these bicycles are usually not allowed to be used in mass-start races.

Several inventions followed using rear-wheel drive, the best known being the rod-driven velocipede by Scotsman Thomas McCall in 1869. In that same year, bicycle wheels with wire spokes were patented by Eugène Meyer of Paris. The French vélocipède, made of iron and wood, developed into the “penny-farthing” (historically known as an “ordinary bicycle”, a retronym, mongoose bicycles since there was then no other kind). It featured a tubular steel frame on which were mounted wire-spoked wheels with solid rubber tires. These bicycles were difficult to ride due to their high seat and poor weight distribution. In 1868 Rowley Turner, a sales agent of the Coventry Sewing Machine Company , brought a Michaux cycle to Coventry, England.


A dérailleur system normally has two dérailleurs, or mechs, one at the front to select the chainring and another at the back to select the sprocket. Most bikes have two or three chainrings, and from 5 to 11 sprockets on the back, with the number of theoretical gears calculated by multiplying front by back. In reality, many gears overlap or require the chain to run diagonally, so the number of usable gears is fewer. The bicycle is also used for recreational purposes, such as bicycle touring, mountain biking, physical fitness, and play.

Very few bicycle components can actually be repaired; replacement of the failing component is the normal practice. Another basic maintenance item is regular lubrication of the chain and pivot points for derailleurs and brakes. Most of the bearings on a modern bike are sealed and grease-filled and require little or no attention; such bearings will usually last for 10,000 miles or more. Bicycle helmets can reduce injury in the event of a collision or accident, and a suitable helmet is legally required of riders in many jurisdictions.

Ride anytime, anywhere in April to earn points and win prizes, build teams and recruit others to ride, and connect with community on the virtual platform. An effective Complete Streets policy means every street that is built or reconstructed is designed to accommodate all people. Our long-term goal is that this complete streets approach is institutionalized and normalized in all jurisdictions of Greater New Orleans and that all steps of street design, construction, and operations embody these values. It’s calibration free, seamlessly integrates into the Wahoo product ecosystem and easily pairs to your ELEMNT GPS bike computer, smartphone, tablet, or PC, so you can go from zero to ride immediately. These are bicycles made for athletes with standard size wheels and all the bells and whistles you could want that conveniently fold up and can be stored in your apartment or trunk of your car. In most jurisdictions, bicycles must have functioning front and rear lights when ridden after dark.

Helmets may be classified as an accessory or as an item of clothing. Road bicycles use tires 18 to 25 millimeters wide, most often completely smooth, or slick, and inflated to high pressure to roll fast on smooth surfaces. Off-road tires are usually between 38 and 64 mm (1.5 and 2.5 in) wide, and have treads for gripping in muddy conditions or metal studs for ice.