The Communicator Surgical Face Masks with Clear Window Level 1 The Communicator clear face mask

Inspect the mask for tears or holes; do not use a mask that has previously been worn or is damaged. Before touching the mask, clean your hands with an alcohol-based hand rub or soap and water. Health workers should continue to physically distance and avoid unnecessary close contact with colleagues and others in the facility… Continue reading The Communicator Surgical Face Masks with Clear Window Level 1 The Communicator clear face mask

The Communicator Surgical Face Masks with Clear Window Level 1 The Communicator clear face mask

Wearing a loose-fitting respirator will not offer the same level of protection to the wearer as it may allow small particles to get inside the mask where there are gaps, for example through the side. None of these three types of face coverings works as well as a proper face mask. A good mask has… Continue reading The Communicator Surgical Face Masks with Clear Window Level 1 The Communicator clear face mask