Sneaky Pete Vaporizers Buy The Best Dry Herb Vaporizers & Bongs Online

Other bongs, mostly old-school dab rigs, might have the less common 14 or 18 mm male connection. Stay away from those, unless you have an adapter that accommodates both male and female joints, or if you don’t mind using an additional female-to-male adapter. Once you’ve found a water pipe attachment for your vape, you’ll need… Continue reading Sneaky Pete Vaporizers Buy The Best Dry Herb Vaporizers & Bongs Online

Sneaky Pete Vaporizers Buy The Best Dry Herb Vaporizers & Bongs Online

Using a bong cleaning kit removes all the residue and buildup from vaping, leaving your bong fresh and ready to be used. Regular cleaning of your vape bong with a cleaning kit improves the quality of your vaping experience and extends your device’s lifespan. As it is a glass on glass connection, play close attention… Continue reading Sneaky Pete Vaporizers Buy The Best Dry Herb Vaporizers & Bongs Online